The students in this class know, that it is destiny. Destiny in a bag. Every time deadline passes, a familiar bag is brought to the front of the classroom. In this bag awaits the destiny of the publications in this class.
This is the bag that brought me to you. The bag told me to quit The Siren and then it shut the Siren down. It makes people pray and cringe. Pray that their destiny is bright and cringe when their destiny goes bad (which is 99.999% of the time).
The most recent destiny picks seem to be the most interesting of all. The South Sisters were forced to get rid of two computer mice because of budget issues. The Sisters also had their Editor attacked by the mob. This attack led to broken fingers on both hands, which makes working a little harder. I wish her a quick recovery.
Panther Pages was attacked by zombies! They now have a pair of armless workers and could possibly turn to zombies if the movies are accurate. They too were forced to make budget changes and cannot use their chairs for part of every block. Panther Pages also ate a bad lunch filled with botulism. They now get sick every 15 min. and must run to the bathroom. They are lucky though because those exposed to botulism rarely survive. They may have gotten the worst destiny, and now have a lot to overcome to make deadline.
The Web Pages of Utterback now must use pen and paper while working for 30 min. a block. Will Utterback crack without his beloved technology? They also were struck with sickness and must take time to rest in order to get better. They were forced to change location and work in a new part of the classroom as well.
Merry Media also had to change location. In addition, they have to make a section with puzzles that the group members create. They must make another section all about funny pet stories.
I must say that destiny is a beautiful thing for me. It has given me a lot of things to write about so far and has given me a chance to let people know what goes on in journalism class. These events promise to create some more great stories that I can bring to all of you.
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